Dear Families,
Everyone has worked very hard in Room 205 researching and writing a biography about their famous Massachusetts person in class and I hope that they are using their knowledge to complete the home portion. Your child should be using their research notebook that they brought home, along with any additional information they have researched to supplement this project. Some websites that have kid friendly information or timelines to reference are or Your child may also log onto Google Classroom and access the Room 205 class. I have shared a timeline template that they may wish to use for their project.
Your child should be working on the following at home:
Writing a short paragraph or making index cards that they can use to help them at our Wax Museum. This is for your child’s benefit so that they are able to answer questions when asked about their person. Your child should have in their notes the following:
- The birth and death dates (if it applies to your person)
- Information on their childhood/early life.
- Interesting facts about their famous person.
- Their accomplishments
- Anything that they found interesting.
The other portion of the project that your child should be working on is to a tri-fold poster. I am including pictures of some samples however your child should use their creativity to reflect their understanding of the person chosen. It is something that they should be working on by themself with some assistance from you. The poster should be your child’s own personal BEST work. The poster should include the person’s name, date of birth and death along with a photo of the person. A few other suggestions on what they may want to include:
- A bulleted list of important facts
- A timeline of important events
- Internet pictures or illustrations of: book covers, inventions, awards won, speeches, quotations that apply to your person
- Photos of historical sites created in their honor
- An illustration or photo of their family or home
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. I look forward to seeing everyone at our Wax Museum on Wednesday, February 28.
January/February Project
Famous People in Massachusetts History
The Jan./Feb. project will revolve around famous people in Massachusetts history. It will be split into two parts.
Part I: The first part will be completed in school during the month of January and beginning of February. The children will each focus on a particular person in Massachusetts history. They will use the library, internet resources, and classroom materials to conduct their research. Many students are excited to get started and want to do online research at home as well. This is perfectly fine. They are welcome to bring any information they compile, into school. Once this portion is complete, the students will use their research to write their own a biography about their person in class.
Part II: The second portion of the project is completed at home! Everyone will be responsible for creating a presentation on their famous person as well as a tri-fold poster board with facts, pictures, and a timeline of their life. Props that would be used by their person are also required. We do not require memorization. Writing the history and facts about your person on note cards is fine. Each child will need to dress and act in the time period their famous person lived.
The presentations will be in the form of a “Wax Museum”. All third grade classes will join for the museum in the cafe and parents will be invited to visit, view, and interview all of the famous people! The museum will be held Wednesday, February 28th from 8:45-9:30.
More specific details about Part B will be sent home at the beginning of February when they have finished their research. Don’t panic! The kids have fun and it’s a great learning experience for everyone.
*Our most common request has been time for acquiring costumes. As soon as your child has been assigned their person, you can look online for ideas and styles of dress and gather what you can. Relative’s closets and thrift stores have been helpful to students in the past. Let us know if you need help.
My famous MA person is ____________________________________
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